
Councillor Amy Pearce - Climate Change & Waste and Recycling Committee (SBTC+), Employment Appeals Panel (SBTC), Footpaths/Bridleways/Cycleways, Par & St Blazey Community Flood Group, Emergency Planning Group.

Address: 8 Doubletrees, St Blazey, PL24 2LE

Mob: 07966432473


June Anderson(Vice Mayor) - Burrows Board of Directors, Carlyon Bay Development Representative, Employment Committee (SBTC), Friends of Coast Atlantic Line, GDPR Committee (SBTC), Grow St Blazey, Par Liaison Group, Planning Committee (SBTC), PL24 Community Association, St Blaise Feast & Fete, 2nd Internal Verifier.

Address: 37 Rose Hill, St Blazey, Cornwall PL24 2LD.

Tel: 01726 813995


Roy Taylor - Burrows Board of Directors, Climate Change & Waste and Recycling Committee (SBTC), Carlyon Bay Development Deputy Representative, Cornwall Community Flood Forum, Eden Community Geothermal Liaison Group, Employment Committee (SBTC), Fourways Youth Club Management Committee, Par & St Blazey Community Flood Group, Emergency Planning Group, Par Liaison, Planning Committee.

Address: 3 Blackberry Way, Porcupine, Par, PL24 2GB.

Tel: 07719211757  No landline


Steve Burt - Employment Appeals Panel (SBTC),  GDPR Committee (SBTC), Luxulyan Valley Partnership.

Address: 140 St Marys Road, Biscovey, Par PL24 2EY.

Tel: 07967 412208 No landline



Tony Nethercott(Mayor) - Burrows Board of Directors, Community Area Partnership, Cornwall Association of Local Councils, Employment Appeals Panel (SBTC), GDPR Committee (SBTC), Par Liaison, Planning Committee (SBTC).

Address: Councillor Tony Nethercott 34 Station Road, St Blazey, PL24 2ND

Tel/Mob: 457297 / 07999 458449


Councillor Kelvin Simms - Climate Change & Waste and Recycling Committee (SBTC+), Eden Community Geothermal Liaison Group, Eden Liaison, Employment Committee (SBTC), GDPR Committee (SBTC), Grow St Blazey, Internal Verifier, St Blaise Feast & Fete.

Address: 17 Pembroke Close, Par, Cornwall PL24 2BT

Mob: 07910888156


Councillor Francine Wearne - Community Area Partnership – Deputy, Employment Appeals Panel (SBTC), Par and St Blazey Community Flood Group, Emergency Planning Group, Fourways Youth Club Management Committee, Planning Committee (SBTC), deputy Luxulyan Valley Partnership.

To get in touch, kindly reach out to the town clerk for further assistance.

Councillor Carol Williams - Cornwall Association of Local Councils Deputy, Employment Appeals Panel(SBTC), Eden to Heligan Cycle Route Forum, Footpaths/Bridleways/Cycle ways, Fourways Youth Club Management Committee, Par & St Blazey Community Flood Group, Emergency Planning Group.

Address: 59 Penarwyn Road, St Blazey, PL24 2DT

Mob/Tel: 07791912312 / 01726 815520


Councillor Colin Parrock - Employment Appeals Committee, Planning Committee, St Blazey Feast & Fete, Press Officer.


Address: Sandyridge, Bridge Street, St Blazey, PL24 2NS

Tel: 814941  Mob: 07807247682


Your Town Council’s register of interests can be viewed via the following link: Town Council’s Register of Interests

You can view St Blaise Town Councils Standing orders, Financial Regulations and the Code of Conduct which has been adopted by St Blaise Town Council by clicking on the links below.

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